It has been long in the works, now it is here: the first Augmented Reality (AR) piece out of the world of F.U.K.H. (DA/AD)
"When I came to Oslo, one of the first things we did was go to the beach. I was absolutely stricken and mesmerized by the beauty of those rocks there, the algae and generally that beautiful stretch of land. The stones there just had this majestic quality to them that was awe-inspiring. I thought about how long they've been there and felt like they were actual living things, having some sort of absolute authority.
I came to think about how ridiculous it was that someone or some country would claim that these stones, that beach, was their property. I thought about it actually being a definite 'No Man's Land' in fact. Since I also have a background in tattooing, I saw a relation to this traditional tattoo motive, 'Rose of No Man's Land', that features a rose flower.
"Rose of No Man's Land" tattoo design done by Ross Howerton.
So at the beach, I started drawing these really simplified roses on the rocks there, using other pieces of rocks as my pencil. This rose is part of the AR intervention above - although for the AR piece, it has been altered.
I drew this simplified rose design on the rocks, using a piece of slate rock as my pencil.
Line drawing, example
To complete the piece, I added an AR version of this sketch. It shows a car wash kind of structure, with shit / reality going in from the right (purple arrows) and being transformed into art (blue waves). It shows how art (red structure) can transform thoughts.
Top: Views of the AR intervention "Rose of No Man's Land Oslo Bone Wash" in front of the Deichman Bjorvika library in Oslo.
Below: AR intervention "Rose of No Man's Land Oslo Bone Wash" floating in the air in Torshov, Oslo.
The new piece has a deserted yoga studio and money falling from the sky
"Imagine a world where people have left their analog limitations behind and have become all digitized. They might live in bits and bytes, somewhere on the internet.
Places where they used to trim, shape and cultivate their bodies have become deserted. Maybe these places have been flooded and are grown over with vegetation. And maybe, in the background, you can still hear music playing.
People used to bring money to these places, to pay for the possibility of preserving their fitness. Not any more. This money has become useless and is floating through the air.
But this place is not bare of all hope. It may be deserted but it also is a breeding ground for something new, a shelter to regroup and recharge. Someone says: "You can rest here."
The music you are hearing incorporates a chance field recording just looping through, like an old tape recording that is stuck."
Skulpturen schärfen den Blick, helfen fokussieren
(English texts coming soon)
Ein Pathfinder (Feld-/Seestecher) aus dem Juli 2024.
Ein weiterer Pathfinder (Feld-/Seestecher), dieser entstand im Juni 2024.
"Wer Kunst machen will, braucht den richtigen Fokus. Wer sich in der Welt von F.U.K.H. (DA/AD) zurechtfinden will, genauso. In beiden Fällen stehen einem die Pathfinder (Feld-/Seestecher) zur Seite. Wie hilfreiche Instrumente, die man im Idealfall niemals braucht, sind sie bereit, ihren Dienst am Künstler und für die Kunst zu tun."
So wie ein Seestecher einem hilft, in See zu stechen und sich zu neuen Ufern zu wagen, hilft ein Feldstecher dabei, sich neue "Spiel"-Felder zu erschließen. Für beides braucht man Mut. Und bei beidem helfen einem die Pathfinder (Feld-/Seestecher).
Denn In der Kunst betritt man ständig Neuland und muss sich stets aufs Neue wieder darauf einlassen, was kommt."
"Wer den Dreh mit dem Fokus einmal raus hat, wird zum "Seer", zum Klar-Seher. Die Antenne ist da immer aufgestellt, um den Auftrag der Kunst zu empfangen. Wie zementiert steht der "Seer" fest auf dem Boden und hat sogar vier Stützen, um die Bodenhaftung nicht zu verlieren. Das macht ihn in der Welt von F.U.K.H. (DA/AD) zum echten Fels in der Brandung."
"So ein 'Seer' ist aufgrund seiner festen Bodenhaftung etwas statisch. Sein ergänzender Gegenpart ist daher der "Knochen-Clipper", der mit seinen spinnenbeinartigen Tentakeln in der Welt von F.U.K.H. (DA/AD) blitzschnell überall hinkommt und so für die nötige (geistige) Flexibilität sorgt."
Der Knochen-Clipper aus dem Juli 2024.
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